Ronnie Aldrich - It's Happening Now

I'll either (a) go easy on you, or (b) inflict some popular music juxtapositional audio torture. You decide.
If you like option (a), this is an interesting, later Phase 4 series tape of Ronnie Aldrich and his Two Pianos, this time doing hits of the late 1960s in his own inimitable style. Nice, lush arrangements, the usual theme of one piano per channel, and even sneaking in one of his own compositions. The usual London Phase 4 recording quality, no surprises there...
However, if you choose option (b).... some of these tunes done in the Muzak Manner... "Light My Fire"??? Jim Morrison is turning in his grave over this one I betcha... and "Ride My See-Saw"??? Well, because of the time, I guess this was Aunt Martha's access to the pops, I dunno.
While not as trite as the Sound in the ROund (which I saw an ORIGINAL 1956 version on eBay), this one, well, let's just say that the juxtaposition of the great hits and the way that Ronnie did them..... one man's brilliance is another man's Death-by-Muzak.
Here are the scans of the box:
The front...
The back...
Love it or hate it, It's Happening Now!
I've visited your record blogs several times, but just saw this for the first! These are some great goodies, and almost make me want to hit Ebay and find a reel-to-reel machine again.
Thanks for your time and efforts. I was about to ask if you do PayPal donations and then saw the link. Great stuff!
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