REPOST: Sheer Stereo Delight!

You asked for more, so here is more!
This one is earlier in the string, this is Popular Program number 10 (W-10 to be exact), with the 'sponsor' being 20th Century Fox Records. Someone posted in the comments section that there may be some Art Tatum, but, alas, no Art is to be had here. There ARE some nice performances by Andre Previn and Lena Horne, along with some good crooning by Tony Martin and Al Martino, and some very surprising jazz vocals by Joya Sherrill. You also get a couple of things from "Zorba the Greek" and "Those Magnificent Young Men In Their Flying Machines"... all in all it is a pretty good set, just right for that extra-dry martini as you cruise across the plains in your comfy seat (remember those?) with the legroom (remember that?) as you are pampered with smiling service by your flight attendant (remember THAT??).
I would probably put this tape at around 1964 or 1965 (there's no date anywhere on the thing, so I'm guessing), "...exactly as heard on American Airlines Astrovision." These are showing up occasionally on eBay, which leads to my next little bit... if you want more of these, I may have to set up a PayPal donation thingy, as these are NOT cheap... I was fortunate to snag these in the thrift shop, but any more of the popular ones are gonna cost me some serious buck-age :(
This tape runs out at about 92 minutes per side, I split out all 65 tunes on this and put them into three archives, each running about an hour.
Here are the three archives:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Cover scans are here:
The front...
The back...
This will be the last one of these, the Command/Westminster tape is a Classical programme, so I won't post it, unless there is a HUGE demand for it... I have a huge stack of reels to do up so that'll keep you occupied for a little while....
Coffee, tea, or milk?
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